Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Its all in the numbers

No, this isn't a post about Brett. What's important about the photo is the number on his jersey. Of course, everyone knows he's number four. But the number is important because of a very different reason which will have serious ramifications on this weekend's game.

The high temperature for Sunday is 4 degrees.

Yup, the HIGH temp is supposed to be 4. The game is in the evening, so it would be a safe bet that the game time temps are going to be about ZERO.

ZERO.... Think about it.

Add in a 10-15 MPH west wind, and you've got some bone chilling weather.

In those temps, footballs actually freeze solid. Punts (hopefully we won't be doing much of that) go about 30 yards. Even though the field has an in-ground heating grid, it still freezes making traction dicey at best. And your beer? If you don't drink it fast enough, ice will form in it.

This is why we love winter games at Lambeau. ;-)

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