Monday, December 3, 2007

Someone else's problem

For the first time since 1994, I'm a tenant and not a landlord. In the past owning the building(s) that we operated out of made a lot of sense, but the continued opportunity cost in the past 4 years has changed my mode of thinking on this. The distractions not only on time, but also monetarily, dictated this change. Now we can better focus on our goals and objectives as a result.

The best part is that now when something goes wrong, I just call someone to tell them about it. And now the problem is dumped in their lap, not mine.

What are you dealing with on a recurring basis that's keeping you from focusing 100% on your job or business? What if you made it go away? How much more productive or successful could you and your team be?

What about the image on this post? No, we're not moving to Lambeau, but just up the street from the stadium. ;-)

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