Thursday, August 7, 2008

Networking from nowhere

A few days in the northwoods with no network made me think about, well, networking. I had an iPod Touch and my iPhone with me, and everyone was curious about the apps for the iPhones. So naturally I had Charlie demo them - but one thing struck me as I sat there watching Charlie show off his gaming prowess - there's no network game play on the platform.

Heck, there's no networking at all on the platform. By networking, I'm talking machine to machine. Even without real WIFI peer to peer, there's no server based network play.

What gives??

Seems to me that this capability is child's play and would take the apps (which I think are 99% lame at this point) to a new level of maturity that would spur sales/development and more revenues all around.

UPDATE - Seems that Michael Arrington and I had the same idea this morning.

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